Bad Time Simulator

Bad Time Simulator

The older brother from the skeleton family, which is so loved by many, now appears in a separate game of his own. Since the pun does not seem to give, but in fact is one of the most powerful characters there. To defeat him, you need to demonstrate exceptional reaction speed, as well as accuracy.

Speaking of you, it can be noted that you are going to need to try to hit right on target. Even the smallest deviation will end up being a miss. Since this is the most difficult opponent, the option in which you hit almost the center is not suitable here. So, take aim and hit the bullseye!

What Difficulties Are You Expecting?

It’s worth mentioning that the skeleton uses quite a few weapons and also counts telekinetic abilities. It is by combining them that he inflicts a large amount of damage on you. So, in order to easily counter him, you need to practice more and set your own records. So, later it is possible for you to break them. By the way, it is quite good motivation for you to try each time to set the new high score.

Since Bad Time Simulator is an opportunity in the original to quickly deal with Papyrus’s brother. Because here you are going to find a large number of different modes. There is a classic fight here, which is no different from the “trial” in the original. There is also an endless duel in which your task is to hold out as long as possible and set your record.

There is also a training mode in which you are able to work out a certain attack. He is going to use only the selected one. So, if you had problems with a certain moment, then here you may work it out as well as possible. And after this, if you come across this attack, then you can easily and simply overcome it

Apart from this, the functionality also allows you to create a customized attack. So, you are able to come up with your own battle scenario. This way you are able to select the most difficult of his abilities and try to dodge them. And if you succeed, then you will not have any problems during the “judgment” at all. Therefore, combine different ones and dodge.

Apart from this, it can also be noted that those who have played Bad Time Simulator perform much better than those who have not. So, if you would like to deal with any difficulties much easier, then rather run this game. Then you will have a chance of defeating the skeleton.