Undertale 2022

Undertale 2022

The gripping story of a small human child who accidentally ends up with monsters. What obstacles do you have to overcome in order to get back home safe and sound? And is it true that monsters are as cruel and merciless as they are said to be? Moreover, why do people hate and fear them so much?

By the way, you have to find out about what happened a few years ago because of which the monsters were driven away and locked up in the Underground. Who is to blame for everything and is it true that people have been here before? Who is Asriel and how is he connected to everything that happens?

You are able to find answers to all these questions in this game. You are going to find many new acquaintances on your long adventure. Someone will be able to become your friend, and someone is going to be your sworn enemy. In the process, you can also learn a lot of interesting things about other characters, as well as help them in their relationships.

In addition, you are also going to learn a lot about friendship, betrayal, and hypocrisy. That someone who looks as harmless as possible can be a pretty strong opponent. And the one with whom you never want to deal will become your new friend, who will be ready to do anything for you.